National Indigenous Television (NITV)

December 05, 2011

NITV Shows
Just some of the shows created for NITV.©NITV

National Indigenous Television (NITV) is a not for profit public company that provides a nationwide Indigenous television service by cable, satellite and terrestrial transmission means and selected online audio visual content. The content for these services is primarily commissioned or acquired from the Indigenous production sector.

"Having the SAN allows us to work more efficiently. We are getting rid of the bottlenecks and the operators are happier."Daniel Daley, NITV

NITV broadcasts 24 hours a day 7 days a week, year round. Allowing for overlaps between free-to-air and subscription TV homes, NITV reaches over 8 million Australians through its various platforms – making it currently Australia's 6th biggest TV broadcaster by potential audience reach. NITV reaches its audiences through a variety of means.

Daniel Daley, NITV
Daniel Daley, Production and Facilities Manager
Digistor supplied Hardware and Software
32TB SANman
Apple Mac Pros
Apple Final Cut Studio
Adobe Production Premium
Cache-A Pro LT05

Production and Facilities Manager, Daniel Daley worked with Digistor Account Manager, Matt Wood to expand NITV's digital media production, storage and archiving capabilities. Daniel explains,

“All the existing infrastructure was on rental. Something that I needed to do was update all the equipment. All the suites were essentially silos connected to Digi Betas. There was no flexibility and we had to use lots and lots of external hard disk drives. If you were working on the same project there were duplicates of data and it all gets a bit messy.”

Digistor put together a whole new set up for NITV which consisted of a 5 seat fibre SAN consisting of a 32TB SANMAN, 5 x highly spec'd MacPros with Kona LHi's, dual displays with Final Cut Studio, Adobe Production Premium. All hardware is protected by UPS and upon completion projects are archived off to a Pro-Cache LTO5 device. Digistor's tech team completed the installation and configuration over 4 days. It is supported by Digistor's tech department under a Digistor Customer Assurance Plan (DCAP). A standard operating environment (SOE) was created for NITV with remote login capabilities.

"Having the SAN allows us to work more efficiently. We are getting rid of the bottlenecks and the operators are happier. Its peace of mind knowing the data is safe being on a raided system and in the unlikely event something goes down having the Digistor Customer Assurance Plan for support."

Daniel's and the NITV teams peace of mind is further improved by having all their media backed up on a Cache-A-Pro system. Daniel explains "Having the Cache-A Pro Cache allows us to archive off projects and have a safe place to put it. It's a complete system."