Changed in Media Composer v2018.12.7
The following has changed with Media Composer v2018.12.7:
Simplified Installer
A change has been made to the Installer to remove an install menu window. When you download Media Composer v2018.12.7, simply double-click Install Media Composer.exe to install Media Composer.
Open I/O NDI Plug-In
In previous releases, the Open NDI Plug-In was automatically installed when you installed Media Composer. With this release, you have the option to install or not during the install process. For details on this plug-in, see “Support for NewTek NDI Video over IP” in the Help.
Fixed in Media Composer v2018.12.7
The following have been fixed:
- Bug Number: MCCET-3004. In the previous release, you could not use the patch installer if you were using a non-English locale.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3041. If you pressed ESC a few seconds after performing a trim, the Timeline did not update correctly.
- Bug Number: MCCET-2986. In some instances, adjusting audio level from the Audio Mixer, while playing a sequence, did not affect the volume.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3031. In some instances, when I/O hardware was enabled, you could not import/transcode to AVCIntra50.
- Bug Number: MCCET-2899. All related media object were not highlighted when selecting media relatives if you grouped clips and selected Select Sync Clips Using “Film TC/Sound TC”.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3026. When consolidating a subclip with “Delete original media files when done” enabled, an unrelated Transcode notification message was displayed.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3003. You could not rename group clip tracks.
- Fixed in Media Composer v2018.12.73
- Bug Number: MCCET-3016. Audio meters did not display in the Audio Tool, Audio Mixer or Timeline window during a Digital Cut.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3073. AAF exports did not include the media if the clip was muted.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3086. You could not copy and paste markers using Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3059. You could not save newly created and renamed shared bins in project sub folders.
- Bug Number: MCCET-2905. Using the arrow up and arrow down keys to move clips from one track to another did not work when a nested effect was open.
- Bug Number: MCCET-2954. When working with a single monitor, if you saved a title using the Title Tool application, then closed and reopened the bin, you could not select anything in the bin.
- Bug Number: MCCET-2992. The Stop and Pause buttons did not work if you used them from the Active Palette option of the Command Palette or if you mapped them.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3063. You might have received an “Exception” error when trying to link and playback Telestream files in MXF OP-1A ProRes HD format.
- Bug Number: MCCET-2995. In some instances, scrubbing and playing back with JKL resulted in slow-motion playback and/or playback not stopping when you pressed the K key.
- Bug Number: MCCET-2779. When GPU effects are enabled in Render Settings, you might see jitter on video mixdowns.
- Bug Number: MCCET-2873. In some instances, if I/O hardware was enabled, Media Composer would vaporize if the Source/Record monitor video was hidden.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3096. Adding an animated scale to a title text created with Avid Titler + resulted in jittery text.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3098. You might have received a “failed to import” message when trying to import exported AAF media.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3094. If Audio scrubbing is enabled, you might receive an “Assertion Failed” error when trimming compressed stereo MP2 audio clips.
- Bug Number: MCCET-2951. You might have received an “Assertion failed: widget” error after clicking the Audio Monitor Control button and adjusting audio.
- Fixed in Media Composer v2018.12.74
- Bug Number: MCCET-3087. In some instances, the editing application would crash when rendering audio effects on a long audio clip.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3134. In some instances, after opening and closing the Audio Punch-in Tool, some text is missing from the window.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3018. Importing .scc files toggled the input/output signal on the Avid Artist DNxIO.
- Bug Number: MCCET-2990. Logging out of Production Management was slow.
- Bug Number: MCCET-2981. In some instances, clicking the Stop button on the Audio Punch-In tool only worked intermittently.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3084. In some instances, saving a new Export setting did not work if the setting was created during an Export process.
- Bug Number: MCCET-2987. Markers in tracks that only had filler and no edits ignored sync lock when the track was selected during trim.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3145. The editing application might have crashed or resulted in an “Out of memory” error when trying to load an archived sequence.
- Bug Number: MCCET-3022. In some instances, even after deleting a sequence related MXF OP-Atom media file, the sequence would relink to the linked video clip.
Contact our support team to assist with updating your AVID Media Composer