Mark Richards and Edward Shen Digistor
(l-r) Edward Shen and Mark Richards

Digistor has become Australia’s first Adobe Certified Service Partner for Video and Audio

In a significant coup for the company, Digistor has become Australia’s first Adobe Certified Service Partner for Video and Audio.

This is not only a major achievement for Digistor but a huge advantage for the media industry throughout the region as Digistor now offers broadcast, post-production and media companies services to analyse requirements, propose solutions and undertake custom development as needed. As part of the program, the company has direct access to Adobe’s technical experts and works closely with Adobe to define and implement ideal pipelines.

Jon Barrie
Jon Barrie, Adobe
"We are thrilled to work along-side Digistor as the first Australian Adobe Certified Services Partner...
Jon Barrie, Adobe Strategic Development Manager, A/NZ Creative Cloud for Video

Adobe Strategic Development Manager, A/NZ Creative Cloud for Video, Jon Barrie, said, “We are thrilled to work along-side Digistor as the first Australian Adobe Certified Services Partner bringing untapped value to Adobe customers seeking standardised experiences to cloud, on-premise or mixed environments including our broad technology partner integrations.”

New Consumer Demands

The media industry is constantly adapting to new consumer demands. People want more video than ever, from high-definition broadcasts to streaming media services as well as video used across social media, websites, and mobile ads. In response, media companies, creative agencies, and production houses all want to find better, agile ways to respond to these tremendous opportunities.

Digistor marketing manager Mark Richards explained, “In order to become Australia’s first Adobe Certified Service Partner for Video and Audio, our engineers needed to undertake a comprehensive range of courses and exams to ensure they thoroughly understand the Adobe product offerings, the products’ open architecture, API and how to extend the products and integrate into customer-specific workflows. It was no easy task as Adobe’s standards are some of the highest in the industry. As an added bonus, Adobe has worked to provide an open development environment where integrators, like Digistor, can extend the functionality of their applications to integrate into the leading third-party solutions in many areas and provide flexible workflow solutions to fit any application.”

Mark Richards
Mark Richards, Digistor
"Digistor can extend the functionality of applications to integrate into the leading third-party solutions..."
Mark Richards, Marketing Manager, Digistor

Becoming Australia’s first Adobe Certified Service Partner for Video and Audio was no mean feat as the company had to demonstrate a significant and proven history of broadcast project deployment and management. They also had to display company project management tools and trained project management personnel including three support and consulting services engineers, trained and certified through Adobe training. Finally, Digistor had to clearly demonstrate its proven ability to successfully develop integrations with Adobe. Quite a process.

Edward Shen
Digistor Engineer, Edward Shen, working on
Adobe Premiere project

Working Closely with Leading Vendors

Richards continued, “In addition, Digistor has expertise in, and works closely with, the leading hardware and software vendors in the broadcast, post-production, media management and distribution areas. This includes Avid, Autodesk, EditShare, IBM, Dell, Apple, AWS, Quantum, Telestream and many more. This means that we can supply and support all necessary hardware, software and services to provide a highly supported solution from a single supplier.”

In short, the Adobe Certified Service Partner for Video and Audio program represents a single vendor solution for highly supported, customised integrated Adobe pipelines, a resource Richards acknowledges customers have never had access to before.

"...a single vendor solution for highly supported, customised integrated Adobe pipelines..."

Integrate Adobe into Heterogeneous Production and Distribution Pipelines

He concluded, “Now television stations, cable channels, media companies, post houses, government departments, advertising agencies or any others that would like to integrate Adobe video and audio products into heterogeneous production and distribution pipelines can benefit from this unique, incredibly detailed and comprehensive, custom-tailored support service.

There’s never been an Adobe service or program like this before in Australia and the benefits to Adobe customers are enormous. All they have to do is contact Digistor directly to discuss any Adobe requirements they might have and we will take care of everything from that point until final sign off.”